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Easy care, small leafed Hoya, also known as the Hoya hindu rope. These plants are trailing plants and prefer a slightly smaller pot then most plants.

NOTE: These plants have been repotted, so won't need repotting until at least next summer or longer.




FERTILISER: If you want to support a Hoya for both blooms and foliage, GT complete focus feed is the recommended option.

If you are only interested in lush foliage growth, then GT foliage focus would be the best option.


SOIL: A well draining airy soil mix is best, try adding our amendment bundle to your standard potting mix for a great Hoya soil mix. Or for a soil-free alternative you can use straight fernfiber or a mix of cocochips, fernfiber and perlite.


WATER: Hoya don't like wet feet, so allow the soil to dry out completely between waterings. If you notice the leaves beginning too wrinkle a little, that is a good indication that it is time to water.


LIGHT: Hoya prefer bright indirect light, like most houseplants, but can tolerate slightly lower light conditions.


HUMIDITY: Most Hoya can grow happily in your average household humidity but like most tropical houseplants, they will thrive with above average humidity and warmth.


NOTE: ALL plants are posted MONDAYS & TUESDAYS ONLY - this is to avoid any possibilities of it being stuck in the post over the weekend. Due to the fragile nature of plants they are NON-REFUNDABLE so please choose carefully. Plants are packaged to the best of our ability to keep them safe on their journey to you but we cannot control how they are handled once they leave our door so please bare that in mind when purchasing a plant.


*Plants will be chosen at random, picture is an indocation of plant you'll receive

Hoya Compacta ~ 12cm



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