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Plant health starts at the roots, so giving them the right potting mix is key for them to grow large, lush and strong. Roots need a good mix of moisture, nutrients and oxygen. Our Wildvine Premium Houseplant Mix is carefully blended to the right ratios for plants that thrive in a nutrient rich, moisture retentive mix. But don't be scared of the words 'moisture retentive' either, this just means the mix has the ability to retain vital moisture, but in combination with the other substrates, it also drains freely and allows oxygen to the roots.


Wildvine premium houseplant mix is a perfect mix to use for most houseplants, such as Hoya, Monstera, Philodendron, Pothos, Peace lily and more.


TIP: I highly suggest you keep your unused Wildvine houseplant mix in a sealed container to avoid any contamination while it is being stored or for the 6lt & 10lt bags, keep bag selaed when not in use.


Quaility potting mix - Helps retain nutrients in the soil that plants need to thrive.

Perlite - Aids in excellent drainage and aeration, also keeps the mix light.

Fernfiber - Helps retain moisture while aiding in drainage & aeration of the mix.

Coconut chip - Helps retain the right amount of moisture in the mix, while also adding a "chunk" to the soil to minimise compaction allowing ample oxygen to the roots.

Kiwichar - Keeps the soil "fresh" while also adding beneficial microbes to the mix.

Worm casting - Acts as an organic, slow release fertiliser. Giving your plants an added boost of nutrients.


-Our blends are tried and tested to the perfect ratios so you know you are buying a quality mix, saving you time & money!


Available in 2lt, 6lt and 10lt bags.

Wildvine Premium Houseplant Mix

SKU: 0037
PriceFrom $12.99


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