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Growth Technology ~ It's giving BLE


Big Leaf Energy that is!

Growth technology plant care products

Growth Technology or GT for short, was founded in the 80s in Australia and since then, they have developed a range of high quality "crop specific" fertilisers and products we all know and love today, such as the indoor plant enthusiasts favourite, Foliage Focus. All GT products are made to the same high standards and are regularly checked and tested for product consistency, so you know what you are using is to the same high standard each time. GT products are also user-friendly! No two-part mixing here.

If you want to try any of the GT products in this blog for yourself, New Zealand links will be in the product title or product image ( click on either )

For outside of NZ, I will leave an Amazon link if I can.

*Disclaimer - If you choose to shop through my Amazon links, I may earn a small commission, it does not effect the pricing for you though or my love for this amazing brand :)

My whole plant collection changed when I started using GT products regularly. Plants were growing faster, their leaves were getting bigger (like MUCH bigger, read to the end to see some BLE results & inspo from using GT) Their overall appearance looks healthier and their roots are amazing!

Like with anything in life, if you want to see results then consistency is key. I like to use the "weakly weekly" method of watering & feeding, meaning you feed your plants the weakest strength of fertiliser, every time you water (with the exception of about one watering a month without fertiliser to flush the substrate)

My personal favourite combination is Foliage Focus & Rootzone for my established plants and Clonex Clone Solution & Rootzone for cuttings and propagations.

Now you are probably wondering what the heck these are and how do they work, let's dive into each product, what their benefits are and how to use them for maximum results.

Foliage Focus plant fertiliser from growth technology

Foliage Focus ~ Foliage Focus is exactly what you think it is for, epic foliage! Think plants such as pothos, Monstera and Philodendron for example. It is specifically balanced to help promote large, lush foliage growth and has everything your plants need and nothing they don’t. It contains all 12 essential minerals, including calcium (which most fertilisers do-not have or only have low levels) . It is extremely user friendly. Only one "part" needed, easy to mix and a 1lt bottle can make up-to 300 litres!

Mix with GT Rootzone for the ultimate Foliage - Root health combo!

It can be used with any growing media, from water, pon or moss to soil based and soil free mixes. For best results, I would recommend the "weakly weekly" method, meaning you use this at the weakest strength (3-5ml per litre of water) every time you water your plants. Yes, that means even in winter! Typically you water less in winter, so plants go longer without nutrients which is fine because plants growth does slow down in the colder months.

Whats in the bottle? Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium, Calcium, Magnesium, Sulphur, Iron, Manganese, Boron, Zinc, Copper and Molybdenum

Guaranteed no: Urea, Sodium, Chlorides, Nickel or Cobalt.

Dilution Rates:

For soil / potting mix: 3 to 5mls (1 teaspoon) per 1 litre water. For heavy feeders, you can use up-to 10ml per litre over the growing season.

For hydro / semi-hydro: 5mls (1 teaspoon) to 7mls per 1 litre water.

Foliage Focus on Amazon

Complete Focus plant fertiliser from growth technology

Complete Focus ~ Complete Focus is your perfect all-rounder! This is ideal for people who have a very mixed collection of plants, meaning foliage plants, blooming plants and everything in between. It is specifically balanced to help promote lush foliage growth as well as support blooms. It has everything your plants need and nothing they don’t. It contains all 12 essential minerals, including calcium (which most fertilisers do-not have or only have low levels)

It is extremely user friendly. Only one "part" needed, easy to mix and a 1lt bottle can make up-to 300 litres! Mix with GT Rootzone for the ultimate Foliage - Root health combo!

It can be used with any growing media, from water, pon or moss to soil based and soil free mixes.For best results, I would recommend the "weakly weekly" method, meaning you use this at the weakest strength (3-5ml per litre of water) every time you water your plants. Yes, that means even in winter! Typically you water less in winter, so plants go longer without nutrients which is fine because plants growth does slow down in the colder months.

Whats in the bottle? Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium, Calcium, Magnesium, Sulphur, Iron, Manganese, Boron, Zinc, Copper and Molybdenum

Guaranteed no: Urea, Sodium, Chlorides, Nickel or Cobalt.

Dilution Rates: 

For soil / potting mix: 3 to 5mls (1 teaspoon) per 1 litre water. For heavy feeders, you can use up-to 10ml per litre over the growing season.

For hydro / semi-hydro: 5mls (1 teaspoon) to 7mls per 1 litre water.

Complete Focus on Amazon

Flower Focus plant fertiliser from growth technology

Flower Focus ~ Flower Focus again like the name suggests, supports & promotes plants that bloom. This is ideal for plants such as Hoya, Orchids, African violets, Begonia and Anthurium to name a few. You can also switch between Foliage focus when plants aren't in bloom, to this when they are showing signs of blooming.

Flower focus has everything your plants need and nothing they don’t and it contains all 12 essential minerals, including calcium (which most fertilisers do-not have or only have low levels)

It is extremely user friendly. Only one "part" needed, easy to mix and a 1lt bottle can make up-to 300 litres!

It can be used with any growing media, from water, pon or moss to soil based and soil free mixes.

Whats in the bottle? Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium, Calcium, Magnesium, Sulphur, Iron, Manganese, Boron, Zinc, Copper and Molybdenum

Guaranteed no: Urea, Sodium, Chlorides, Nickel or Cobalt.

Dilution Rates: 

For soil / potting mix: 3 to 5mls (1 teaspoon) per 1 litre water. For heavy feeders, you can use up-to 10ml per litre over the growing season.

For hydro / semi-hydro: 5mls (1 teaspoon) to 7mls per 1 litre water.

Flower Focus on Amazon

Rootzone plant fertiliser by growth technology

Rootzone ~ Rootzone is an organic-based biostimulant that nourishes plants from the roots up. It contains a balanced blend of marine extracts, fulvic acid, amino acids, thiamine and potassium which stimulates the natural root growth process, enhances nutrient uptake and increases resistance to pests and diseases like root rot. I love to use this in combination with either Foliage focus, Complete focus or CCS (depending on what plants I am feeding at the time) and again I use this every time I water my plants (or cuttings)

Gentle yet super-concentrated. Great value for money - 250mls makes up to 500 litres!

Dilution Rates: 

For cuttings & seedlings: 0.5ml per 1 litre of water (1ml per 2 litres water).

For established plants: 1ml per 1 litre water.

clones clone solution by growth technology

Clonex Clone Solution ~ Also known as CCS, this liquid magic is my absolute go-to when I am propagating plants, it has made a HUGE difference in how successful my props have been & also how healthy the plants eventually end up being, I highly recommend!

It can be used with any growing media from water, pon or moss to soil based and soil free mixes.

A few drops in your water propagation jars will boost your cuttings root & foliage growth.

It contains everything your plants need and nothing they don’t. All 12 essential minerals, including calcium.

What's in the bottle? Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium, Calcium, Magnesium, Sulphur, Iron, Manganese, Boron, Zinc, Copper and Molybdenum

Guaranteed no: Urea, Sodium, Chlorides, Nickel or Cobalt, reducing the risk of root burn.

Dilution Rates: 

Cuttings, Seedlings & young plants: 5mls (1 teaspoon) per 1 litre water or a few drops into a glass jar for water propagations.. When plants are nearing ready to be potted up you can increase to up-to 10ml per litre.

GT Foliar spray by growth technology

Foliar Spray ~ Foliar spray is a leaf feed in spray form. It is user friendly, coming in a 'ready-to-use' spray bottle and contains a full mineral profile of over 70 essential and beneficial minerals, vitamins and enzymes.

Whats in the bottle? Silica (nature’s bodyguard, abundant outdoors, deficient indoors) 20 different Amino Acids , organic plant proteins involved in multiple plant growth processes.

3 types of Kelp, naturally rich in plant growth hormones auxins, cytokinins and gibberellins. Fulvic Acids, organic electrolytes. Wetting agent, creating a finer mist, better leaf coverage and improved absorption for foliar (leaf) feeding.

How to use: Shake gently before use. Spray a light and even coating on both sides of the foliage (avoiding blooms and fresh new growth tips) and that's it!

Keep sprayed plants away from direct sunlight until product is absorbed.

Clonex gel ~ This is where it all started for GT, Clonex gel. It has been the subject of numerous scientific studies over the years. Clonex consistently outperformed propagating powders and liquids across a wide variety of plant species to deliver increased strike rates, along with quicker and more prolific root growth. It also contains anti-fungal agents to help protect cuttings from fungal and microbial infections and disease.

Plus 12 essential macro and micro nutrients to feed newly emerging roots the nutrients they need.

How to use: Dip the freshly-cut end of your cutting in to the Clonex gel to about 1.5cms, then put in water or your substrate of choice. It is best to use with freshly taken cuttings. Unlike some powders and liquids, Clonex Rooting Hormone Gel is not mixed with talc, or dissolved in water. It instantly and completely seals the cut tissue.

I like to use this when I am propagating with Tree fern fibre (my preferred propagation substrate) and once the first signs of roots start to show, the clonex gel has done its job, so I start using CCS to help boost the growth and development of the rootsystem & foliage.

Clonex on Amazon

Tree fern fibre on Amazon

Silica ~ Is a concentrated mix of silicic acid & potassium hydroxide (potassium silicate) and is known as Nature's body guard. Silica is found naturally outdoors in our soil, but lacks in an indoor growing environment, which is why it is important to supplement plants with Silica. It helps strengthen weak areas of your plants (such as variegated parts) builds a protective barrier against pests, aids in recovery after stress and helps protect against fungal diseases such as root rot.

Dilution Rates: 

For established plants ~ Mix up to 5mls GT Silica to 1 litre water to maintain 20ppm silica. Add GT Silica separate to your nutrient solution, or add first, wait 20 minutes, then add your GT Focus fertiliser of choice to the mix before watering roots.

Note: Silicates are alkaline in their concentrated form in the bottle. Either wear gloves when handling, or take care not to spill on your skin (or clothes).


Why choose GT over other brands?

Gt are complete and balanced formulas and include all 12 essential nutrients plants require (and nothing they don't)

  • All GT formulas include calcium. (many others don't or have very little, calcium helps avoid cracked, deformed or small foliage) GT has at least 20ppm

  • All GT formulas are guaranteed chloride free (meaning less likely to cause fertiliser burn)

  • All GT formulas are guaranteed urea free.

  • GT is pH buffered.

Below is a small snippet of my own personal plant collection, which I must say, is the best they have ever looked since using GT products regularly!

Like I mentioned at the start, Foliage Focus & Rootzone are my most used and "go-to" products for all my established plants. Rootzone and CCS is the epic propagation duo I will use every time I propagate a plant.

I hope you find this information helpful and as always, leave any comments or questions you have below. Let's grow together!

~ Kate

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